St. Gregory the Great Academy recognizes the human nature of every member of our school community, including students, their families, staff members, and our community. As part of our mission, we strive to be attentive to the spiritual, physical, and mental well-being of our school community. As part of this commitment, information and resources are provided on this page in order to assist anyone who is in a time of crisis, especially those struggling with mental health difficulties. If you or someone you know needs help dealing with a mental health issue, please see that they get help. While the school itself is not equipped or qualified to evaluate or treat such issues, if you need assistance in making contact with qualified professional help, please contact Dr. Briggs (jbriggs@
New Jersey MentalHealthCares Helpline - 1-866-202-4357 (Mental Health Referrals)
NJ Rainbows - 1-973-744-7676 (Traumatic Loss)
Mental illnesses, essentially any sort of behavioral or brain-based afflictions, are just as real as the physical type. We cannot see them, just as we cannot see the wind. The effects are quite real, just as the invisible wind can really blow down a tree.
We must work to recognize that God created us all as we are, including any mental illnesses and afflictions that we deal with, for reasons that He alone knows. Considerable inroads can be made with acceptance, treatment, and vigilance. People who deal with mental illnesses and afflictions are just as valuable, productive, and important as everyone else.
NOTICE: St. Gregory the Great Academy provides the information on this page as a service to our school community. St. Gregory the Great Academy, the Church of St. Gregory the Great, and the Diocese of Trenton DO NOT assume any responsibility, neither explicit nor implied, for the content of these resources or for the quality or suitability of any information provided. Furthermore, the listing of any information on this page or the providing of links does NOT represent an endorsement of any product, person, service, or organization. Clicking on any of the links below indicates acceptance of these terms.